Monday, November 7, 2016

Research Process

    What surprised me about the research process so far is how much information there is on this topic and how difficult it was to narrow it down and find a focus. There is a lot to be said about this topic, and there is a lot of information from many different perspectives, so it was difficult to find works that were helpful and specific to what I wanted my paper to focus on. On the other hand, I was surprised at how easy it was for me to find connections between works. At first, I thought it would be very difficult to connect some of the essays, but after reading them through a couple times it was very easy to spot connections between the works that would be helpful for my paper. I'm still not sure about how I'm going to structure my paper. I have a frame and cases, but I am unsure about how I can tie all of these things together to have a research paper that flows and supports my claims. I don't know if I should keep my focus specifically on the economic aspects or if I should focus on the social implications as well. As to what I still have left to do, I need to find more sources and cases to support my paper, and then narrow down which sources will be most helpful to me when writing my research paper. I also need to find a way to organize my thoughts so that the writing process will be as efficient as possible, so I will need to create an outline to help plan out what points I want to make throughout my research paper.

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