Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Research Paper Intro

Free is always better; few will argue that. From free shirts to free food, who would not want free stuff? With the internet making free music so readily available, why would anyone ever pay for music? The answer to this question must lie in the true cost of the music. In the words of poet Roger Hancock, “Nothing is ever free, though to you it be. Somewhere, somehow, someone paid.” Assuming this to be true, it certainly has to apply to illegal music downloading. This cost goes way beyond the traditional monetary value that people first think of; in fact, monetary cost may be the least of concerns.  Where the impact of illegal downloading really makes its mark is in the realm of creativity. There certainly exists a creative impact on both the production end consumption ends. As a result, illegal downloading creates a complex moral dilemma. Despite the illegality of online music downloading and its impact on the artists, the morality argument of it lies in its promotion of the creative process on the consumption end. 


  1. I am a little unclear as to how the creative process is affected by illegal music downloading. You probably have more details later on in your paper but I think you should expand upon this point earlier on. Also something to think about, several artists recently such as Chance the Rapper just like giving their music away for free, so I do not really think it will affect creativity if there is no money incentive.

  2. I do not quite see a clear thesis in this paragraph. You do explain the ideas the paper is going to talk about and thoroughly identify the problem, but I cannot figure out what the central argument or research question is.

  3. While you did a good job in "hooking" the reader in with quotes and rhetorical questions and all, and captivated the readers attention, try to mellow it down by maybe taking out a rhetorical question to focus more on the actual introduction of your ideas. As Amish said, there is no clear thesis so a more well defined paragraph, perhaps even introducing a couple sources would benefit the paragraph overall. However your writing style and introduction in terms of capturing the attention of the reader is very well executed.
