Monday, November 7, 2016

Research Process

Since I have written a number of research papers in the past, nothing about the process was all that surprising. Of course, this paper requires a higher demand for quality and the sources I draw from are a much higher level, but the processes are almost identical to the ones I have done in the past. The most difficult part of this research process so far is finding the specific research question. It’s really difficult to narrow down my topic when even I don’t have a clear view of how I will address and tackle the topic. Another difficulty is the greater amount of information available to me. Although this means I can more easily find materials relevant to my topic, it also means that many more things to sift through. Right now, I still need to look for more sources which could help guide my paper. Moreover, I still need to formulate a coherent argument to address my question with. I definitely have a few arguments I’m leaning towards, but I’m sure that as I write my paper and synthesize my sources, I will be able to find a solid point to argue.

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