Monday, November 14, 2016

Intro Paragraph

One of the most important traits to gain from school is creativity. Creativity leads to new creations and innovations. It is what allows technology to improve and move forward instead of staying stationary. It for these reasons that technology should be integrated into music education. Music education without the use of any programs or technology already form creative minds and children who can make connections between the sciences. Science students are creative in a more practical sense--- they can construct buildings and models. While on the other hand, music students are more imaginative in their creations and problem solving. A study done by John L. Vitale proves that “music makes you smarter” (Vitale). After doing extensive research he found learning how to perform music leads to increased general cognitive abilities and cognitive abilities in the fields of math and science. Therefore, the advent of technology into this type of education would spur creativity immensely in the sense of problem solving and music. Traditional education is failing in the arts so it is important to add in technology to these classes. Technology will engage the students more and lead them to being more creative than they are right now. For some reason, once a student figures out how to play an instrument, they can draw connections between problems to solve them. They can easily see how the idea of an atom mixes with atomic numbers through the use of mathematics. Therefore, I hope to prove in this paper that music education with the use of technology is capable of making children into more creative thinkers musically and have improved problem solving skills in comparison with non-musically inclined students. To do this I will discuss the studies of Luc Nijs, CARLabs, and Hatice Selen Takin. All of which display how art spurs creativeness and argues that the use of technology improves upon that function.

1 comment:

  1. From your introduction, I am confused on why traditional art education is failing, though I think you plan to talk about that in your paper. Perhaps give some reason why to frame the rest of the paper. From your first few sentences, it seems as if you want to talk about the growth of technology rather than what the technology allows you to do in education. I think you should make the distinction earlier on how innovation is important specifically for teaching students.
