Sunday, November 6, 2016

Research Process

The research process for this paper has been very in depth and takes time and effort. It's easy to find articles that mention certain topics of my paper, such as identity or dissociative disorders but its difficult to find articles where they are talked about in a manner where it relates to my thesis so that i can connect it to philosophy. The process takes time to find the perfect article and multiple sources are needed such as one that discusses the science side of it vs one that discusses the experiential side. This actually surprised me as I expected finding sources to be fairly simpler and more straightforward, and while it could've been, I would rather have had more in depth sources that I can use a lot of information from as opposed to many different sources where I can only really get one or two quotes. As far as further steps I have to take, I definitely need to do more research in terms of the dissociative disorders and try to tie them in with the identity theories of philosophers in a fluid and coherent way. This part is a little difficult since most of sources in terms of dissociative disorders are very scientific and finding one that looks at it from a philosophical perspective is very difficult to do. What I think I will end up doing is simply logically drawing the connection from the scientific to the philosophical perspective through my own train of thought. Overall, however, the process has been fairly interesting in drawing connections and learning more about the subjects.

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