Saturday, September 17, 2016

Reaction to Peer Review Session

Doing a peer review session always allows me to see my papers in new ways. Some of the comments that were made on my paper were mainly about sentences in my essay that I thought were contributing toward the argument, but they were really just a summary. I actually went through my essay myself, and I saw a few sentences that some of my peers did not spot that were redundant or summarizing as well. This is a problem I did not notice in my writing in the past, so I went back to my essays I wrote in high school, and I found that what made me write this way was the longer essay length that is required. I have a tendency to write filler in order to fulfill this requirement. One thing I will definitely look for in my own proofreading is this kind of writing since I will likely make the same mistake in the future.
A part of the peer reviewing session that I also appreciated was seeing some part of my argument in others’ papers. It was especially interesting to see slightly-tweaked points of view lead to completely different directions of others’ arguments. Some of these arguments are ones I have not ever considered to argue for, and I often felt like I could take a different point of view on an argument and apply it to the paper to make it more lengthy yet very well-developed.

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