Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Introductory NHR Assignment

As a biology student, I need to take this course because it fulfills the english requirement for my intended major. One reason why I shouldn’t have to take this class is because I won’t have to write any argumentative papers in the field of biology. However, I know that skills in writing are essential in any field and that it is important to know how to write coherently. In any scientific field it is important to know how to communicate with each other and writing helps people do so. For example, if I need to write a lab report or a paper in biology, the skills I will learn in this class will help me write a report that will better communicate my ideas to others in my field.
I think that the quote, “to use writing as a way of thinking new thoughts” means that people can reach a higher level of thinking when they can form connections between ideas to create a new profound meaning (xviii). Writing lets people take something that already exists and allows them to give new insight on that topic. The New Humanities Reader states that when “we engage in conversation with our friends, all sorts of new connections will begin to compete for our attention” (xxix). This goes to show that the individual experiences that make people unique can also make their writing unique because personal connections can help bring upon new ideas in writing. Furthermore, I think the rationale of The New Humanities Reader is that readers can “make connections between texts that might appear unrelated at a first glance” (xxx). The New Humanities Reader seems to focus on the importance of on connecting ideas in order to give way to new thought. The connection between ideas to form an  “inclusive coherence” is the text’s definition of the term a “shared horizon” (xxix). A “shared horizon” is limitless view that let’s people piece together their otherwise separate experiences in life. This is important because it gives people a deeper understanding of the unity of the world; everything is interconnected and an idea in one field might help solve a problem in another.
Furthermore, a term that I felt was unique was “specialized knowledge” (xxiii). I thought this term was interesting because it deals with the idea that people who become specialized in a field forget about the rest of the world around them. This also serves as a cautionary warning to remind people to be well versed in all subjects.
Lastly, The New Humanities Reader’s outlook on writing has changed my perspective about this subject. I initially disliked writing because I felt restricted by the five paragraph essay structure taught in high school. However, The New Humanities Reader encourages creative writing and wants people to think beyond what is given. I also really like the idea of finding a deeper meaning in text by connecting ideas across curriculums. Ultimately I feel excited to take this class because I get a venue to think creatively and form connections.

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