Thursday, October 6, 2016

Plagiarism blog post response

Hello all: good work on your blog posts for today. I like that many of you are drawing clear distinctions between institutional definitions of plagiarism and Lethem's looser use of the term. This kind of distinction is important to make when you're talking about abstract terms like "intelligence": they can be used differently in different contexts.

Finally, here's an interesting outside source to look at when you get a chance. Slate has an interesting excerpt from a book on the history of appropriation in early rock 'n' roll music. It's pretty long, particularly as it gets into the history of the Rolling Stones' relationship to black R&B musicians who inspired them and collaborated with them. But the first part offers a really interesting counterpoint to Lethem's exuberance for collaboration. You might think about the *effects* of the collaboration that Lethem encourages: who stands to benefit? Who is able to collaborate in the first place?

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