Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Annotated Bibliography

Davidson, Cathy. "Project Classroom Makeover." The New Humanities Reader. 5th ed.
Stamford: Cengage, 2015. 47-71. Print.
Davidson points out how the modern education system was built in order to accommodate economic needs. In doing so, she points out its modern shortcoming and how the system needs to change. I can use this to argue for the benefits of education reform as it relates to helping society.
Johnson, Steven. "The Myth of the Ant Queen." The New Humanities Reader. 5th ed.
Stamford: Cengage, 2015. 192-209. Print.
Johnson touches upon the relationship between humans and machines in emergent software. I can apply the importance of technology that Johnson lays out to the idea of how humans are becoming less important for progress because of how the nature of learning is changing.
Twenge, Jean. "An Army of One: Me." The New Humanities Reader. 5th ed.
Stamford: Cengage, 2015. 487-505. Print.
Twenge focuses heavily on the generation of students who are baselessly over confident and unable to accept any kind of setback or criticism. I can connect this to how students are even more unprepared than they would be normally for the changing real-world environment.
Stout, Maureen, 2000. The Feel-Good Curriculum. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books; pp. 3-4
Stout recounts her own experience with prospective teachers who act entitled for good grades and misunderstand the purpose of modern education. I can use this to show how the system is self-perpetuating out of control and how the focus of education needs to change.
Heine, Steven J., Eugene Ide, Shinobu Kitayama, Hisaya Matsumoto, Darrin R. Lehman,
Cecilia Leung, and Toshitake Takata. "Divergent Consequences of Success and Failure in Japan and North America: An Investigation of Self-Improving Motivations and Malleable Selves." Research Gate. Research Gate, n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
This study explains the cultural situation which created an inadequate American educational system. I can use this to show how complacency by students perpetuated by the education system will cause them to be left behind in the technologically changing world.

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